Got Oil?
Give me oil in my lamp keep it burning, burning, burning; give me oil in my lamp I pray; give me oil in my lamp keep it burning, burning, burning; keep it burning till the break of day…
I had a dream.
I was awakened in a dream by a man with Jet Black hair and he said ‘ Follow me’. So I got up from my bed and began to follow Him into a room filled with people. It was as if I walked right from my bedroom into another house. This man stood in the corner of the room and gestured with His head for me to watch what was taking place in this room.
I realized as I looked around the room that I had stepped right into a parable. I was literally ‘in’ Matt 25. I was just an observer; no one seemed to know I was even there except for the Man with Jet Black hair that brought me. He kept gesturing for me to keep watching.
I saw something very interesting as I began to look around the room; every person in the room had a lantern. Everyone was carrying their own lantern. Some of the lanterns were very beautiful. Some of them were very simple. Some were very old, some were shiny almost to the point that I wanted to just look at how beautiful these lanterns were and every person in the room had one. But what I would soon see for myself is that it is not the outside beauty that is needed but what is on the inside. For I saw vey quickly that beautiful, unique and shiny lanterns are of no use when the inside is empty. For some lanterns were beautiful on the outside and I could see they were filled to the brim of oil and some lanterns though beautiful and though so unique were in much need of oil.
This was a very interesting site that my eyes were beholding for everyone carried lanterns, some full of oil, some almost empty of oil.
I had stepped into a parable that I had read a thousand times. I noticed the hour became late and everyone began to sleep. Now being in the parable I could see that falling asleep was not the main point of this – for in this life and our natural bodies, we get tired and sleep is a part of living in this life but the key was sleeping not with just a lamp but with a reservoir full of oil.
Suddenly when all was still and silent and everyone was sleeping, we all heard a cry…’The Bridegroom Is Coming’.. When you hear this cry, well, it is just time.
Now everyone in the room awoke and began to get ready very quickly. Everyone heard the cry, everyone was awakened and got up, everyone grabbed their lanterns and everyone began to trim their lamp. Everyone had a lantern and EVERYONE got up to trim their own lanterns and everyone began to prepare to Go out and meet the Bridegroom. The other thing I saw was at ‘this’ point everyone’s lanterns were shining. Everyone had lanterns that were shining.. It was not like some were shining and some were not, but everyone got up and everyone began to trim their lamps and every lantern was shining.
As I was pondering all of this, the man with the Jet Black hair that was quietly watching in the corner of the room came over to me and said ‘This oil is a sign of every ‘yes’ that they ever said when no one was looking. This oil is a sign of all that is done in secret. All of their yes’s, drop by drop, have given oil overflowing. No one can take this from them and they cannot give this away; for though many people shine, no one can sustain the shine without oil, without a secret life.”
He said ‘Look around the room’.
Then suddenly this man became very clear to me as the Lord. At first He was a visitor in the room just watching everyone and then in an instant He stepped into a place where I knew exactly who He was. He was there watching the whole thing, very silent but always watching.
I saw that when the shout at the midnight hour came ‘Behold the Bridegroom comes that… they all had eyes to perceive his coming, they all got up and took notice of His coming…
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They all turned their attention and began to observe His coming. ‘Behold’ was said to everyone in the room, and everyone looked up to see Him coming.
Everyone looked and perceived and everyone trimmed their lamps.
They put in order their lamps, their ‘shine’…their ‘glow’..
They all got up and put in order their lamps, they made ready their shine, they began to prepare their shine to go out and meet the Bridegroom.
I began to look around the room and I saw everyone with their lanterns and everyone at this point had ‘shine’. But very quickly the ‘shine’, the ‘light’ coming forth from the lanterns began to fade in those whose lanterns had little oil.
Then suddenly the great struggle began, for many people had beautiful lanterns but they did not have oil. I saw literally that the key IS to ‘sustain’ your shine…your light. For many lanterns were lit and shinning but the key is to be able to sustain Your ‘shine’. The key to sustaining the shine is by carrying a reservoir of oil with you. (within you)
I saw that everyone who took their lamps, and took no oil with them. They had just the oil enough to make their lamps burn for the present, but no bottle of oil with them to sustain their shine.
I woke up from the dream and I knew that we are in a season to ‘Get Oil’… Many of us have ‘shine’ but the key is to have that which will sustain our ‘Shine’…
Every season is the right season to get oil; that we would be able to sustain our shine. And the oil comes from the simplest of things, it is simply having a heart that says ‘yes’…a heart that says ‘I love you and I trust you God. It is mostly the little things that fill our vessels with oil’, It is simply a heart that is not offended and that rejoices with those who rejoice.
I began to study this parable. When studying the Jewish marriage ceremony when the Bridegroom literally came for His Bride. It was a custom sometimes used among the Jews, that the bridegroom came, attended with his friends, late in the night, to the house of the bride, where she was waiting for him, attended with her bride-maids; who, upon the notice given of the bridegrooms’ approach, were to go out with lamps in their hands, to light him into the house with ceremony.
The office of these virgins is to meet the bridegroom; They come to wait upon the bridegroom when he appears, and in the mean time to wait for him.
Their chief concern is to have lights in their hands, when they attend the bridegroom, thus to do him honor and do him service.
They all went out to meet Him and they took their lamps – This word ‘lamps’ means ‘To Shine’
They took their ‘shine’ and went out to meet the Bridegroom. Everyone could ‘see’ shine at this point.
The 5 foolish took their ‘shine’ and went out to meet Him. You can ‘shine’ for a little while even with a little oil, but the key is the ability to sustain that ‘shine’…and that takes ‘oil’… your lamp.
They all trimmed their lamps, they all had a flame, but this flame needs to be sustained with oil. But the wise took oil in their ‘vessels’. They took a reservoir of oil
They took with them that which would sustain their shine..
At this point the five foolish realize they do not have that which will sustain their shine…They do not have a reservoir of oil, they only have enough ‘shine’ for the moment.
Our Lamps are going out…They said ‘We want what you have. We want you to give to us that which sustains your ‘shine’. For the flame, which sustains our shine is going out.
Our shine is beginning to ‘go out’…to extinguish…our divine influence has ‘gone out’. I don’t know his voice anymore. I don’t know what He is saying. Tell me, what is He saying?
The foolish virgins were told to go and buy oil…That word buy is Agorazo
It is the same word that is in Rev 3:18
I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich ; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed , and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear ; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see .
It is also very similar to the other word Buy –in
I Chron 21:24
Then King David said to Ornan, “No, but I will surely buy it for the full price, for I will not take what is yours for the Lord, nor offer burnt offerings with that which costs me nothing.”
And this word means:
to get, acquire, buy, posses, to obtain of God originating, creating, wisdom
to buy
This is our season to buy oil. To purchase from the Lord that which is tried in the fire. That which costs us everything.
To acquire of God
To buy
To redeem
To Obtain of God what you can never receive or get from man.
In this season – trust God is in control. Let every sting lead you straight into His heart and buy gold, buy oil by trusting and being unoffended if you are over looked … if you get thrown under the buss…when you are mistreated by your piers…when you are demoted…In the middle of all of this – talk to Holy Spirit. Right in the middle of it all, you can redeem and acquire knowledge, you can get oil, drop by drop, filling your lamp and running over right in the middle of a hard season. You can sustain your shine…You can get oil…
Wow. Thankyou for this word. Really,not a nice season we are in, but we will never ever give up on our Lord.Thankyou and bless you.
Wow….so all these hard places/trials been through produces oil in me…a resource of oil..Our .Faith is tried by fire/produces this Gold …Jesus You are so Awesome…Thanks Julie for sharing this.
It is no small coincidence, Julie, that this posting of your dream about the Oil came the day I was framing up my photo Gesthemane, found at the website link I provided. I photographed this lion, who just happened to be named Joshua, another form of Y’shua (Hebrew for Jesus) in his garden setting with what appeared to be the weight of the world on his shoulders. Hence, the name of the piece is Gesthemane, which is where our Lord suffered with the overwhelming weight of His decision to be obedient to the Father. Many people are unaware that the word Gesthemane actually means the Olive Press, for it is not a garden at all, but an olive grove in Jerusalem in which the olive harvest was pressed 3 times to provide oil for the Temple service. Just as our Lord was pressed 3 times during that agonizing night as He chose the way of the cross…pressed until drops of blood sweat from his very brow, undoubtedly deeply furrowed like Joshua’s in the photo. The olives grown in Gesthemane were crushed between the weight of enormous grindstones. The first pressing….the Virgin Oil….is of the absolute finest grade. This is the oil that was used to anoint Kings and High Priests. Y’shua is our King and High Priest. The next pressing squeezed out another fine oil that was used to light the lampstand, the Menorah, that stood before the Holy of Holies. Y’shua is the Light of the World. The final pressing of oil that was extruded between the heaviest, most bone-crushing weight of the stones was used for healing. Y’shua ha Moshiach Rapha is our Healer!
What really stands out to me about your dream is where the oil comes from: Every “yes” spoken in private. In Gesthemane, the Olive Press, our Lord said “yes” three times to the cup being offered Him: the first time to become our King and High Priest; the second time to Light our path; the third to be the God Who heals thee. There is comfort in knowing that when we are being tested, being pressed, being crushed in this life, each time we give assent to these trials, we are filling our own lanterns for that incredibly joyous reunion….the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!
Love both of these teachings. Julie your music is such a blessing and a tool to my spititual life. Thank you for saying yes;)
I feel really blessed not only by this dream but also by the comment about oil with the Jewish significance. Wow thank you for sharing!
Wow!! Thanks Julie for Sharing. It is truly a heart of obedience in the secret place, whether in the valley or mountain tops that delight Gods heart. This is the season to Be Alert! Be Ready!!! You are such a blessing to the body of Christ
Thank you.
My heart is filled with joy at this revelation that the oil is my Yes’s to all the times He has said something and I have listened and obeyed!
Thank God. I am so relieved!
Thank you, I will do my best to spread this message of upper most importance.
I have been worried on and off, over the years, in the back of my mind that I may not have what it takes, that I may not have oil. Now I realize, playing on my old victim mindset I used to have, that I am no good, the enemy has been relentlessly lying to me and many others I bet.
Well the truth is out now and I will speak it out of my mouth. I have got oil, I am in love with Jesus and obey when he asks, I love to!
so this means that the truth is that I have got oil!! YAY… DEEP LONG LASTING, SERIOUS JOY!!!! Now every time God speaks, it will be a chance to be obedient!! ..instead of “You’ve Got Mail” I’m gonna speak over myself ..”You’ve Got Oil”!! Praise God, thanks Julie and the lady who gave the in depth explanation about the olive press and Jesus’ obedience …thanks for the drink xx xx xx xx xx
“buy oil by trusting and being unoffended if you are over looked” …wow….Yes lord I heard you….that one’s for me
Really encouraging, and the comments were also.
Thank you
Awesome! Very uplifting and encouraging, Julie
WOW as I’m sitting here at my kitchen very quite reading your words and watch your video my tears came I so love the Lord and I hunger for his precious word. Oh Lord give me a deep hunger, so all people can see you through my eyes and when I open my mouth you speak through me amen! “Bless you Julie and family” ❤️
I am a mixed media artist and after reading your “got oil” dream not too long ago a did a painting with the same title. Definitely a “Now” word for this season. Thank you for sharing your dreams and encounters with all of us. They are so encouraging! Blessings
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. The Lord will save those who are crushed in spirit.” We humble ourselves and pray.
Pray without ceasing. They that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in Truth.
Julie, please tell me how to get oil as a mom of two very young children. Help!
When I was a young mom of 3 very busy boys – my first born was 2 1/2 years older than his Identical twin brothers; I would take a scripture from the Psalms. I would write it on index cards. I would tape those cares to my fridge, bathroom mirror, to a picture in the boys room – I would tape it on the washer, on the dryer, I would tape it to my car above the radio. This might seem silly but that one scripture – kept me talking to God even when life was over-whelming.
Even when I was busy with chores and cooking dinner….you know – in every room of my house – I had these little index cards and I put them in places that my eyes could see easy in every room. It kept me thinking about God, talking to God, and that one little scripture began to work on the inside of me when I wasn’t even able to be locked away in my own room for an hour for a quiet time. My life was just loud…always…someone was always awake. That one scripture lasted for months…I didn’t even replace it every week – because I was too busy to set down and write new cards….
But that one scripture kept me Heavenly focused when I was very busy being Mom. The Word is alive – the words impart our hearts even when we are busy – tired – overwhelmed – and this is how I ‘Got Oil’. Then I would take the scripture and I would sing. I sang everywhere and at any time….that one scripture.
Those little index cards in every room – encouraged me when I was having a very busy day. That is how I Got Oil. that is how prayed. I didn’t get to have a Quiet Time – I had a ‘Loud’ time – but those words really worked on my heart. I will say that singing this one scripture that lasted me for months – that singing helped me remember the Word even when I was somewhere and I needed a Spiritual boost. There is something about singing the Word that gives great personal break through even during a busy life season of raising children and all the Joys that come with each child. If you will add a little singing…to that scripture….its like a little seasoning on a good meal. You know – your ears need to hear your sound….and when you take the word, pray the word out loud and then turn it into a song – you will not forget it. I still remember songs my Grandma taught me when I was really young….because of the song….
These days you can put these scriptures on your phone, computer, iPad… You can web stream the prayer room – you can web stream Beth Moore, or Lisa Bevere….I love them. And you can turn on your phone, download a Bible Reading app. And remember to add singing…it really does give your body, mind and soul a Spiritual jump start.
I pray this is a help to you. And blessings to you as you raise your family!!!
Thank you for this response. This helps me so much!